Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse Orders for Protection Relating to Minnesota Divorce & Child Custody Cases
Aug 17 2010
Domestic Abuse Order-for-Protection cases frequently go hand-in-hand with a marriage dissolution case, about half of the time legitimately. Today’s blog entry announces publication of a detailed article I have written on the subject, available here: “Domestic Abuse Orders for Protection in Minnesota Divorce and Child Custody Cases.” This article explains the legal grounds for an OFP, but focuses mainly on the intersection between Minnesota divorce and child custody cases, and domestic abuse cases, discussing how the OFP impacts one’s divorce and custody case, and providing tactical considerations for persons involved in such cases.
Harassment Restraining Orders in Minnesota
Apr 13 2010
In cases where your spouse or ex-spouse -- or anyone else for that matter -- is harassing you with repeated phone calls, emails, or other harassing conduct, and you want a court order for no-contact, but don’t qualify for an Order for Protection, the Harassment Restraining Order is for you. I’ve written an article on this subject and posted it here: “Harassment Restraining Orders in Minnesota.”
How Do I Protect Myself Against False Abuse Allegations?
Apr 10 2007
Far too often than should be the case, I am asked by a client how to protect against falls abuse allegations, due to legitimate fears of being falsely accused. I answer the question to this FAQ here: “How Do I Protect Against Fall Abuse Allegations?”